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Healthcare Holidays: Getting Involved in June

Healthcare holidays serve as a great way to get involved with movements throughout the year. June is a host for quite a few overlapping events, so we’ve taken a moment to highlight some of the different healthcare efforts and focuses. Take a look below and let us know how you plan to get involved!


Monthly Holidays:


  • Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month: Myasthenia Gravis (pronounced `my˖ĕs˖`thēēn˖ē˖ă  `grăv˖ĭs), also known as MG, is a rare neuromuscular disorder. MG is caused by the body’s immune defenses attacking certain proteins in muscles called acetylcholine. While no one is entirely sure what causes the immune system to turn on the body like this, progress as been made in early diagnosis and the creation of a cure. If you are interested in in helping raise awareness and funds for future research with MG, check out the 2021 events and fundraising pages!


  • Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month: July is the month to take extra time to learn about, and help, the 50 million people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias worldwide. Check out the Alzheimer’s Association website to see what events and fundraising efforts you can join. This program, created in 1980, has become very flexible in how they fundraise, making it possible for people to help through simply doing what they love.



Weekly Holidays:


  • Men’s Health Week (June 14 – 20): June is Men’s Health Month, but there is a specific week dedicated to the effort. The goal of Men’s Health Week is to “heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys”, according to the official website. Toxic masculinity and social expectation have a long history of shaming boys and men away from proper medical care. Take this week to check in on the men in your life and open a conversation about health and expectations for care.



Daily Holidays:




  • National HIV Testing Day (June 27): Knowing is half the battle, but we need to act in order to know. National HIV Testing Day is incredibly important as it brings awareness to the fact that HIV is an Epidemic that can be eradicated. The more people who get tested and are aware of their status, the faster they can receive treatment and ensure that they do not spread the virus.


If you are interested in hearing more about healthcare holidays, check out our previous guides for April and May! What other healthcare holidays do you celebrate? Let us know!

Tags: Alzheimer's, awareness, brain health, cancer, cancer survivors, Care, DeafBlind, health, healthcare, Helen Keller, HIV, HIV awareness, june, mental health, MG, post traumatic stress disorder, Pride, PTSD

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