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How To Avoid Seasonal Burnout Among Employees

How to Avoid Seasonal Burnout Among Employees

December is in full swing and you know what that means: snow, decorations, and seasonal burnout! That’s right, seasonal burnout is here to press down on those who have not gotten the chance to take time for themselves, relax, and relieve whatever is it that has them so wound up. Of course, as an employer, you have worked hard this year to ensure that your employees have had many chance to do exactly that, so, in this last month, what can you do to help relieve this burnout? We have talked about seasonal burnouts and whiplash before and how you can combat it as an individual, but now it is time to learn how you can help as an employer.

Fix the Playlist

Jingle Bell Rock and Santa’s Coming to Town are fun, upbeat classics for the winter seasons, but they do not need to take up the entire playlist. While these songs are enjoyable, hearing them, or similar songs, too often can make them feel overwhelming and frustrating. Additionally, some people are not fans of Christmas or seasonal music, meaning that listening to those songs exclusively on a loop for several hours could make them feel very strained.

You can counter this effect and still have music to enjoy with a few simple adjustments. There is no need to delete holiday or seasonal songs from your list for this to work. Instead, add in generally upbeat and enjoyable songs that still fit the mood without fitting into one of the other categories. Happy songs exist year-round, so putting those into the playlist in abundance keeps people in joyful spirits without adding to seasonal burnout. Try to make a playlist long enough that it does not repeat more than twice during office hours so people will not get bored of it too soon.

Check the Décor

The level of office decorations changes between every office. Even in the same company, some groups are simply not interested and others are entirely invested. In either case, enjoy decorating without burnout with these two simple rules: include all your employees’ holidays, at least, and let them decorate their own spaces.

The general office décor is usually bought by and hung by someone other than the office staff, be them managerial or janitorial or anyone who is simply interested in doing so. When choosing what to decorate the office with, keep in mind that there are multiple holidays in December that your employees might celebrate, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, the Winter SolsticeRohatsu, and many more. Keep their beliefs in mind when decorating the office as even a simple decoration can mean a lot around the holiday season.

For a similar reason, allow employees to decorate their own space. Some people might enjoy their desk overflowing with holiday joy and others might want to keep their space clean and simply appreciate the office décor. Allowing employees to decorate their own space as they please gives them control over their workspace, ensuring that they are able to still work in a comfortable and optimal setting that they create for themselves.

Keep Office Parties During Work Hours

Realistically, this is not always possible, but it is a good practice to stick to as much as possible. If you are hosting an event for your employees that is just for them, not including spouses, kids, or anyone who does not work for the company, hosting it during work hours gives everyone time to enjoy being with coworkers, eat, drink, and relax before returning to their normal schedule.

Bringing in simple foods and giving them a space to eat, drink, and chat is already something most employees will appreciate, but giving them additional time to step away from their desks and mingle during work hours shows that you see their hard work and are rewarding them on your time instead of asking employees to do this in their free time. It is an additional step of understanding and respect that employees will remember in the long run.

Give Employees an “Out”

Ultimately, not every employee is going to always be in the holiday spirit. Time still moves forward and things still happen that may lead to people not feeling particularly celebratory. A great way to cut down seasonal burnout and show your employees that you acknowledge their lives outside work is to give employees an easy way out of seasonal events.

If an event has to be mandatory, then that is that, but if not, give your employees a way to decline attendance without having to explain why or receive punishment. This simple act can be the tipping point that keeps employees who are at their lowest from feeling broken down, instead allowing them to bow out of events respectfully, without divulging information if they do not want to, and taking the time they need before coming back.

Most of these are simple acts, but simple acts are often the ones that can come to mean the most. If you are looking to provide the simple act of hiring new, qualified employees, Radius makes it as simple as possible. Contact us today and we’ll connect you with a specialized recruiter who will help you find the perfect candidate.

Tags: burnout, caring for employees, christmas, employers, events, exhaustion, hanukkah, healthcare, Holiday, music, recruiting, rohatsu, seasonal burnout

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