The 2025 new year is about to being and resolutions will soon be in full swing. The new year can be a time of joy and renewal for some, but others can feel like a heavy pressure is pushing them forward. While we strive to move forward and grow, doing so comfortably and of your own free will, without pressure, fear, or stress, can create a better mental attitude about personal progression.
As we grow, we find success in different styles of progression. Some of us gravitate to goal-orientation, finding comfort in singular goals and deadlines. Others might find that a general focus without restrictions allows growth without anxiety.
These are not competing strategies, but instead two ends of the same spectrum, meaning that there are multiple variations of strategies that fall between them.
If you like set goals, but are unsure of a specific deadline, a resolution might still be best for you, as it still focuses on a specific goal, though you will not assign an explicit end-date. If you are interested in traveling in winter but do not have a set idea where to go, then a theme would still work best for you, giving you a deadline but leaving the details of the ultimate goal open and flexible.
So what strategies, or combination thereof, work best for you? Take a look at our breakdowns and examples for an idea of where to start.
Resolutions benefit the goal oriented. With this strategy, you are working towards a defined outcome. These definitions can vary though, depending on how well you work with strict guidelines.
If you enjoy well-defined goals, then creating a resolution with a clear marker of completion and a time limit to achieve it within will work well for you. Some examples of this style can include:
- I will visit my doctor and follow-up this year.
- I will schedule my Registered Nurse exam before May.
- I will lose 5lbs a month until I am at a healthy weight again.
- I will make time to look for a new job every week.
- I will ask for a raise by June of this year.
If you are more interested in giving yourself a clear goal, but not necessarily defining a strict number or deadline, you may benefit yourself by choosing something that looks like this:
- I will encourage emotionally healthy relationships.
- I will put in continuous effort to becoming healthier.
- I will have a new job before the end of the year.
- I will take time for myself.
- I will cook more often.
The way you craft a resolution should be based entirely on what feels best to you. There is no universal right or wrong, so take time to choose and make yourself feel good with your achievements this year!
Where resolutions are often specified or focused goals, themes give a more general, flexible guideline for the new year. Themes can vary depending on what inspired their goals for the new year. The two most common styles are the single word theme or the motivating sentiment.
Single word these are great when you know where you would like to focus your energy, but are not yet ready to confirm specific details. These are far more flexible and can benefit people who may have highly varying personal schedule or finances. Some examples of these can include:
- Career
- Renewal
- Family
- Health
- Relaxation
Motivating sentiments are a good fit for people who want a regular reminder of their goals without the explicit pressure of a number or a definition. These are largely up to the individual person, as these sayings usually are meant to inspire an emotion or a mindset of some kind, so two people with the same general goals might have two very different sounding sentiments. Some examples of these may include:
- One More Step
- I Choose Myself
- A Healthier Relationship with Food
- Finding Balance
- Practice Makes Improvements, Not Perfection
New Year’s resolutions and themes are always a great idea to inspire progress in a new year, but they are not a necessity. If you feel stressed or simply do not desire to set yourself up for these, then you should not feel pressured to do so. There is nothing wrong or bad with simply enjoying and progressing through the years as they come.
If your goals include finding a new job, then we can help! Check out our job board and apply directly to our open opportunities. If you are looking for something different than what is listed, then you can send us an updated resume here and we’ll connect you with a dedicated recruiter who can help find your dream job!