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The Layoff Trend Is Fixable, Here’s How:

The Layoff Trend is Fixable, Here’s How:

Layoffs are the unwanted trend taking media by storm. In multiple sectors, unethical or short-sighted hiring practices, an emphasis on profits, and more have led to mass layoffs that are leaving workers jobless and confused.

This trend hitting the healthcare industry has raised concerns about the impact on this vital sector. Shortages in healthcare have been observed across various segments over recent years, including hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies, all of which we have covered in previous articles. Here, we want to focus on alternative cost-saving measures businesses can use before resorting to layoffs. In the same vein, we must identify the hiring habits that make this cycle continue so we can stop using them.

Alternative Cost-Saving Measures

As businesses navigate uncertain economic times, it’s important to explore alternative cost-saving options before making the difficult decision of laying off staff. By implementing strategic measures, companies can effectively reduce expenses without sacrificing their workforce. Businesses should consider viable cost-saving options that could be the difference between preserving jobs and laying off whole teams.

  • Offer Unpaid Leave: Offering unpaid leave can help in clearing out the office for a bit, lightening up on daily costs. With more information, more people are like to understand why this is being offered, but, even without that, having this as a viable option can be a great temporary alleviation in terms of financial pressures.

  • Offer Part-Time or Job Sharing: Offering restructuring, even temporarily, is another great way to save jobs. Being open and honest with staff is the best way to encourage that people take advantage of opportunities like job sharing, where two people with the same title split the role, meaning they split the workload, salary, and hours. This also leaves part time for those who want to pick up a second job until it is possible to become full-time again.

  • Cut Perks: Cutting unnecessary perks can feel like a punishment, but doing so can save many jobs. Of course, this does not refer to small, low-cost pleasures that staff often enjoy, such as workplace coffee, but, instead, large-scale costs, such as company sponsored events for employees. While these are fun and something certainly to brag about in the long run, employees would much rather keep their teams employed and together then be guaranteed a field day out.

Bad Hiring Habits

Changing the way a company hires people can have significant long-term benefits. From more accurate candidate evaluations to more dedicated teams, innovative hiring practices create a foundation for success that can help avoid the layoff trends we see today. By embracing new strategies, companies can build stronger teams that drive growth and achieve sustainable success in the long run.

  • Hiring to Budget: hiring to budget refers to the idea that you are hiring to use the entirety of a budget simply because it will not be guaranteed to be there after the time it is allotted to. This habit seems like a maximized effort on paper, but often proves to backfire. When more then the necessary amount of staff is hired, it becomes hard to validate the increase to those who organize the budget, meaning that the budget will likely be cut, as will the staff. Consider, instead, paying less individuals more, ensuring that you are getting quality, dedicated professionals who will thrive and validate the given budget.

  • Mass Hiring: Mass hiring is efficient at first glance, but it can be incredibly demoralizing to overall teams. Hiring in large groups and then quickly reducing that number leaves those left to feel anxious and disposable, as they have just seen those from their hiring parties disappear before there was a chance for them to prove themselves. Instead, consider hiring in smaller groups at a time, as this will feel more intimate, allow staff to bond beyond their hiring group, and let companies evaluate the incomers as individuals.

  • Anticipation Hiring: Anticipation hiring is hiring in advance for a new location or department that is opening. This is largely detrimental in the case that it could lead to accidental over-hiring or, even worse, simply fall through. In either case, staff who have already left other jobs or adjusted their lifestyles and funds to fit the proposed new role will likely suffer if their new opportunity disappears. Look to hiring slowly for situations like this, using existing staff temporarily and then hiring new, permanent staff once the situation is settled.

Certainly, these are not the only options that can be pursued, but they are a launching point for many companies to right some of their practices. Employees depend on their employers to make the right choices for them as individuals, not just as numbers on spreadsheets. Doing so increases loyalty and motivation in workplace settings, ensuring that the investment put into keeping the staff together will pay off in the long run.

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Tags: healthcare, healthcare jobs, healthcare management, healthcare professional, healthcare recruiter, healthcare recruiting, hiring, hiring habits, interview, job, job hunt, job search, layoff, layoff alternatives, new job, US healthcare

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