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Identifying Scams In Recruiting

Identifying Scams in Recruiting

Just as the world of recruiting is constantly evolving, so are the scams that run within it. Scams come in all forms, from difficult, long-term ones that aim to take everything from money to identities, to short-term simple ones that prey on immediate needs of people to obtain one or two things before disappearing.

If you believe yourself to be vigilant, it can be easy to dismiss warnings about scams, but the best way to be truly prepared is to learn about the red flags that you could go up against. Keep reading below and learn more about some of the more popular scams in recruiting so you can apply to jobs and work with recruiters without worry.

Application Scams:

Scams that take place only in the application process can be hard to detect entirely because it happens so quickly. In a normal recruiting situation, an application process usually involves confirming the candidate’s contact information and securing an updated resume. While the application process can quickly flow into the interview process, it is important to note what to expect and what should be a red flag so that you can cut a scammer off without putting your information at risk.

To avoid application scams, keep this in mind:

  • Contact information includes a phone number, email, and legal and preferred names.

  • A recruiter will never make an offer without a complete application and interview.

  • All forms of contact from the recruiter or company should match the company’s email format.

    • if the company lists emails as “”, then you should expect the recruiter/company’s emails to match that.

    • Variations such as “” are a red flag. Contact the company or recruiting firm immediately from their publicly posted contact information.

  • A recruiter will never require payment from a candidate.

Interview Scams:

These kinds of scams are usually buried inside a seemingly normal interview. In a normal interview, recruiters will go over expectations for the job and ensure that the candidates are interested in the job and have the experience that is necessary. At this stage, it is not odd for schedules or pay to change as negotiations are still happening, but it is unlikely that recruiters will be making major promises or offers on behalf of the company. This can change if they are contract recruiters, as these kinds of recruiters often have more leeway to make offers than permanent staffing recruiters.

To avoid interview scams, remember:

  • Recruiters or company representatives should be willing and able to discuss all details that the position entails at this stage.

    • Some details might still be flexible, such as pay or scheduling.

  • A company may ask for proof of professional licensure, but they should not yet be asking for a social security number or other confidential identifying documentation.

  • Recruiters will rarely ask, at this stage, for you to download documents or files.

  • The location should be a place that you can confirm as either a public location or owned by the company itself.

    • If you are uncomfortable in the interview location, contact the company or follow tips like these to ensure that you are safe.

  • A recruiter will never require payment from a candidate.

Offer Scams:

Just as they sound, offer scams come in the form of offers that are too good to be true or have hidden caveats. In the case of a real offer, recruiters or the company will relay the details of the offer and ensure that both parties are on the same page before sending over official documentation. An offer is usually discussed before paperwork is sent so any last-minute negotiations can be discussed without having to constantly redo the contract. After this stage, it is normal for a company to ask for social security numbers or other identifying credentials to run background checks as needed.

To be sure that an offer is real and not a scam, keep in mind:

  • A recruiter will never require you to buy your own equipment, including work from home materials.

  • The company’s name and information should match public records. You should also be able to call the company and confirm that the offer is real.

    • If the offer comes without any form of contact information on behalf of the company, call the company’s public record and confirm that the offer is real before signing anything.

  • A recruiter will never ask for payment from the candidate!

Of course, these are only some basic ideas of the scams that exist in the recruiting world. We these examples in mind, you can have an idea of what to look out for. Trust your instincts while job hunting and double check the validity of companies, people, and offers whenever you can. A real company will not be offended by vigilance, while scammers are likely to get defensive in an attempt to make you panic and comply with their requests. If you think that you have found a job scam, click here to report it to the Federal Trade Commission. You acting now can save someone less aware later on.

If you are unsure where to start looking for a healthcare job, Radius is a great place to start! Our recruiters work as mediators between companies and candidates to create great deals for both sides. Check out our job board to see what we have available now or send us an updated resume here to have a specialized recruiter reach out to you today! If you are a company looking for help finding quality candidates, you can connect with us here.

Tags: healthcare, healthcare jobs, job hunt, job offer scams, job scams, job search, jobs in healthcare, permanent placement, red flags, scams, staffing agency

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