Spring Cleaning: When To Quit Your Job

How Do You Know When to Quit Your Job?

It’s never the wrong time to look for new opportunities to clean house. Surprisingly enough, your job might be one of those that it is time to say goodbye to. It can be hard to know for sure, especially if you do not have a backup position in the works, so take a look below at our guide to figure out if and when you should quit your job.

Leaving With Another Job

Leaving your job when you have another waiting for you can seem like an easy choice, but how do you know it is the right one? Here are some clear signs that it is time to move on from your current position.

  • There are No Opportunities for Growth: We should always be looking to grow, be it in title or experience. If your day-to-day feels like drone work and you are not engaged in what you are doing, than you should be looking for something that will bring a spark back to your work life.
  • You Need More of a Work-Life Balance: A work-life balance is a necessity. While pride in your career and work is great to have, it should not be the only point of fulfillment in your life, so look for opportunities that allow you to leave the work at the office.
  • Everything Feels Overwhelming: Jobs should feel challenging, but not overwhelming. You want to be able to feel like you are accomplishing great things without feeling like you are drowning in anxiety or stress.
  • You Feel Uncertain in the Company: If you are worried constantly about the company or your position in it, that is usually a sign that it is time to move on. If you are working hard and meeting your goals, but still feel as though you have no job security, than you need to start looking at new options.
  • You are Offered a Better Fitting Opportunity: We do not always leave jobs for bad reasons. Sometimes, we simply find something that is a better fit, and that is completely okay!

Leaving Without Another Job

Leaving with another opportunity or a plan at hand is always the preferred method, but that is not always possible. While not the only reasons, check out some of our top reasons for leaving without another job lines up:

  • Starting Your Own Company: Following your passions and creating a career from them is certainly something to be applauded! If you are looking to start your own company, than take the leap when you feel comfortable getting started.
  • Protecting Your Mental, Emotional, and/or Physical Health: No company should ever put your health at risk in any way, shape, or form. If you feel that your health is in any kind of danger, leave immediately.
  • Requiring More Flexibility in Your Schedule: Things are constantly changing, but the 2020 pandemic showed us that companies can and should allow flexibility in their schedules for employees who need it. If you need flexibility and your office will not meet you half way, than take the time to take care of your needs and find a new opportunity on your own time.
  • Unreliable Pay: If you do the work, you should be compensated regularly and without delay. If a company is ever unclear or unreliable with their payment, it is better to spend your energy looking for something new.
  • Leaving Before You are Terminated: If you know cuts are happening and you are on the chopping block, it might pay for you to quit before you are fired or let go. This can help you save face and allows you to move forward with future opportunities without worrying about the stigma of having been fired.

Whenever you leave a company, remember that a two week notice is a courtesy, not a law, and may be dismissed by the company either way. A notice should be used as often as possible, not only to keep a good relationship with the people there, but also to ensure that the company has time to find a replacement. Though, if your role’s responsibilities are spilt between multiple people, than it is likely that your company will dismiss you the day you give notice.

If your workplace is toxic or dangerous to your health and wellbeing, it may pay to leave there as soon as possible, meaning handing in your resignation effective immediately. If your role is specialized or your have a small team in your division, it is likely that they ask you for more time or offer a counter offer.

Here, it pays to remember that they chose not to treat you fairly originally and likely will not suddenly begin to if they know you are leaving soon. Additionally, counter offers are rarely as good as they seem, so be confident in your choice to leave and stick to it.

Knowing when to leave a job is a matter of comfort, opportunity, and timing. It is up to you as an individual to determine what is best for your situation, but if you need a helping hand, Radius Staffing is here! If you are looking to get started on searching for your next opportunity, you can send us an updated resume here or check out our job board here!

Tags: how to quit, leaving my job, looking for a new job, new opportunities, overwhelmed at work, overwhelming, quit, quitting, quitting my job, quitting your job, toxic work environment, toxic workplace, uncertain about my job, when should I quit, work life balance

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